As you can see, we have updated our website.
The CMS has been moved to a new version of Joomla, and we have also switched to a new template.
We have also changed the commenting module. The previous one was no longer supported.
The new commenting module allows better formatting of comments and threading of comments.

Of course, with such a big update, there may be issues.
Please let us know (with a post in the forum or with a comment) if you see anything that is not working as expected.

Today we have released an installer (for our FOX subscribers) for XSharp Cahors which contains some fixes for problems reported with X# 2.15, and some new features.

The what's new document describing all the changes can be found here:

XSharp 2.16 what's new
Popular 329.45 KB

{rsfiles path="fox/Compiler/"}

A public release of 2.16 follows soon

Memmingen small


In October 2023 we are organizing our second European conference, after a successful first event in 2022.

Since we are a small open source project, and we have limited financial resources, we have chosen to organize this as a relatively low budget event. We have also selected a location in the south of Germany, so developers from Switzerland, Austria, and North Italy are also able to come with a reasonable travel time.

We will present the current state of the X# development and show how to migrate your apps to XSharp. Furthermore, we will also discuss the internals of X# and how you can extend X#.
Finally, we will discuss our future plans, such as our support for next versions of .Net and will show some work in progress.

This summit is structured to encourage open and facilitated face-to-face discussion and idea sharing amongst all attendees. Refreshments will be provided all day, with scheduled lunch and snack breaks.


The event will take place at the following hotel:
Hotel Weisses Ross
Kalchstraße 16
87700 Memmingen
